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SugarPredict: SugarCRM’s Exciting Artificial Intelligence Feature

Provident CRM SugarPredict

The future of work lies in artificial intelligence and its capabilities in the coming decade. Accurate future predictions enable companies to make better business decisions, manage risk, and identify and respond to problems and opportunities more quickly.

2021 has already seen a plethora of new services and products in the technology sector thanks to the rise of remote work. But certain industry leaders, like SugarCRM, are raising the bar. SugarCRM understands that artificial intelligence has the potential to solve many of our sales and marketing-related conundrums that we face on a day-to-day-basis. This is precisely why they’ve launched SugarPredict, an AI-powered engine as part of their Sugar Sell license that takes much of the guesswork out of our lives.

What is it?

Have you ever wished that you had the ability to see what your business could look like in the future? This capability would certainly help you make better and more informed business decisions at present, wouldn’t it? SugarPredict aims to allow this.

SugarPredict delivers exceptional predictions, even with limited or incomplete CRM data. Leveraging vast external data sources, SugarPredict can uncover insights unique to your business, accelerating your growth by analysing factors your data doesn’t quite cover. These predictions thus allow businesses to make better decisions and focus on the highest priority sales activities.

How does it work?

SugarPredict continuously analyses your data for performance and uses that for insight generation on how to proceed. It uses sophisticated deep learning combined with data from both internal and external sources, giving the tool a competitive advantage over others. The insights will help your sales, marketing, and even customer service teams with decision making, as it can generate trends and patterns that you or your teams may not have noticed before.

What are the main benefits?

Clearly, the benefits to using a tool such as this are immeasurable. Having these predictions at your fingertips means boosted sales productivity, the ability to see hidden marketing opportunities, and so much more. Here are some of the main benefits, summarised:

Save time

The ability to obtain accurate predictions quickly means that you, your team, and your customers can consistently save time. Accurate predictions ensure that you can prepare for situations and not have to spend time pondering when the moment comes.

Increase accuracy

SugarPredict uses formulated metrics and techniques to generate accurate predictions and their respective advice. With this, you eliminate the risk of human error and inconsistency based on who on your team is making judgement calls.

Fast implementation

With a Sugar Sell license acquisition, you can instantly gain access to the features of SugarPredict. That means that you can immediately begin feeding the AI with data and start making accurate predictions. This quick implementation ensures that no opportunities are missed out on and your return on investment is fully maximised.

Key takeaway

With SugarPredict, you can take advantage of your data and save yourself strenuous effort over formulating business strategies.

At Provident CRM, we’re Elite Partners with SugarCRM, and can assist you with any questions you might have about their services or implementing SugarPredict within your business. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

We’d love to hear from you!

Katie Marketing Executive, Ireland

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