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Provident Secures NHS Rollout of SugarCRM

Delivering an integrated referral system for Scotland’s NHS 24 and expanding its team by 33%

NHS Scotland Logo

The contract worth nearly €150,000 is the first of three phases to implement Cost Savings and Efficiency within NHS24 in Scotland.

The First phase will Deliver a fully integrated Referral system for NHS24 which will allow Musculo Skeletal referrals to be generated within SugarCRM via the SCI webservices interface (Scottish Care Interface). The CRM system will also integrate with CHI – Scotland’s Unique Patient Lookup system.

A varient SCI was recently adopted in Northern Ireland which was based on the Scottish system, so it is lightly Provident will be moving north of the border soon too.

The Services Provident currently provide to the NHS include:

Musculo Skeletal Service

People can get advice on their muscle and joint pains and aches (including back pain) without having to wait for an appointment or visit a health centre, MSK for short.

This Service is Based on SugarCRM Professional edition with integrations to both CHI (Patient Lookup), and SCI (Refferal API) on N3.

Living Life

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Service, for Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, etc, running on SugarCRM Enterprise Edition

Breathing Space

Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and web based service for people in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. We are here in times of difficulty to provide a safe and supportive space by listening, offering advice and information. It is our belief and hope that by empowering people they will have the resources to recover.


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